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Driving Directions To Woodhaven Farm


From Columbus: 161 East to RT. 62/ Johnstown exit. Left on Rt. 62 for about 8 miles into the town square. There will be 2 gas stations on 2 of the corners.
That is the intersection of RT. 62 and RT. 37
Go left on Rt. 37 for ½ mile and veer right on Croton Road.
Take Croton for 1.5 miles and go left on Woodhaven.
If you pass any of the green agriculture buildings, you have gone too far!
Go left on Woodhaven for .75 miles. Look for the privacy fence. The address is 11401 Woodhaven Road.
Johnstown, Ohio 43031


From Newark: Take Route 16 to Route 37 and turn right. Go through Alexandria and Johnstown. Approximately 1/2 mile past Route 62 turn right on Croton Road.
Take Croton for 1.5 miles and go left on Woodhaven.
If you pass any of the green agriculture buildings, you have gone too far!
Go left on Woodhaven for .75 miles. Look for the privacy fence. The address is 11401 Woodhaven Road.
Johnstown, Ohio 43031 

Phone: (614) 578.7444


11401 Woodhaven Road

Johnstown, Ohio 43031
